For the majority of the population the only thing known about wooden pallets is that they are heavy, cumbersome and expensive to replace. This is magnified in a warehousing environment where pallets are used for shipping everything. Those employed in industry are very used to dodging pallets sticking out from stacks, pulling out splinters and pulling muscles moving them around in warehouses.
Now the good news; Armstrong Brands, Inc. has developed an extremely strong, lightweight and cost effective alternative to heavy wood or plastic pallets. This ingenious Molded Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) design produces a foam pallet that can hold up to 1400 lbs safely and is compliant with ISPM #15 guidelines. Weighing only 6 lbs, these pallets are easy to move, stack up safely and don't have the liability risks that accompany stacked wooden pallets. This also means less splinters and ripped clothing from cracked, broken and old wooden pallets.
One of the great benefits is the decreased shipping cost due to the lightweight nature of the pallets. Sold in stacks of 15, it is easy to quickly calculate the savings on weight and shipping cost with truckload shipments. Even more can be saved with the discounts available for quantity purchases. Low weight also means increased safety benefits and Workmen’s Compensation savings. No splinters, nails or crushed toes, means less down time and a lower claim rate.
Advances in Molded Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) production have resulted in increased strength, durability and effectiveness. Amazingly strong and durable, these foam pallets hold up to rough treatment, machinery and even the toughest employees. You can be assured not only will you love the effect on your bottom line, but your staff will love you for making their job easier. Learn more about Armstrong's Foam Pallets here.
Eco-friendly and environmentally safe, foam pallets are 100% recyclable and use less natural resources. Foam bi-products and scrap from production can be mixed in and reused for other foam applications. Foam picked up from factories and warehouses can be reformed into many useful items such as clothes hangers or lawn furniture. In some instances Armstrong Brands, Inc, can even help arrange a recycling pick up service. Finally, since they are made of reusable and recyclable materials, no trees are ever harmed during their production.
To find out more about the advantages of foam pallets and other great productions please contact us here or call, 1-800-725-6415.